450 Allston Dr
Rochester Hills, MI 48309
Attendance line – 248-726-3910
Tentative Start Date: Full In-Person Learning Feb. 22nd
*Five Days A Week (M-F)
*Normal/Regular School Times (shown below)
*Cohorting By Class At Lunch
**Same distancing as we did during hybrid
**Students have assigned seats
*Cohorting By Grade-Level at Recess (same as we did during hybrid)
*NO MORE/ENDING hybrid model of in-person learning
*Five Days A Week (M-F)
*Normal/Regular School Times (shown below)
*Cohorting By Class At Lunch
**Same distancing as we did during hybrid
**Students have assigned seats
*Cohorting By Grade-Level at Recess (same as we did during hybrid)
*NO MORE/ENDING hybrid model of in-person learning
Long Meadow Elementary School and Rochester Community Schools recognize the importance of returning students to classrooms for in-person instruction while protecting the health and safety of our students, school staff, and broader community from COVID-19.
Classrooms (Spacing, Movement, and Access)
Social Distancing – Interior Traffic Flow
Recess/Outdoor Breaks
Student Personal Items
- Student desks and workstations will be spaced out by 3' / as much as feasibly possible
- When possible, only one student will be placed at each station/table. However, some elementary classrooms have workstations that are shared between two or more students. Long Meadow has some classrooms with 4' desks, and students are spaced out as much as possible/3'.
- Signage to remind students to wear masks and wash their hands is posted throughout the building and classrooms.
- Teachers will review protocols of mask wearing and social distancing with students.
- Snacks are allowed and may occur in the classroom with students socially distanced or in an alternative location if available.
- In an effort to social distance as much as possible, students will be eating in the cafeteria, on the stage, and just outside the cafeteria in the large space in the hallway
- Students will be socially distanced as much as possible. We will continue with the same social distancing we had during both hybrid learning environments.
- Students will sit with their own class at lunch tables.
- Students will have assigned seats.
- Only 1 grade-level will be eating in the cafeteria at a time.
Social Distancing – Interior Traffic Flow
- Signs have been installed throughout the building with the intentions of:
- Minimizing large crowds at arrival and dismissal times.
- Reminding students to wear masks, wash hands, and social distance.
- Spacing student seats during lunch.
- Spacing student seats in the classroom 3'/ as feasibly as possible
Recess/Outdoor Breaks
- Weather permitting, all students in elementary school will participate in outdoor recess.
- At teacher discretion, additional outside breaks and recess periods may be added into our school day.
- In-person students WILL NOT have the option of staying inside when their class goes outside.
- Students will be allowed to remove their masks during recess with physical distancing.
- Each grade level will have a bag of playground equipment for their use only.
Student Personal Items
- Send your child with an extra mask or two.
- Pack a water or two.
- Label your child’s first and last name on your their mask.
- Classroom teachers will coordinate where students store and organize personal items like school supplies, backpacks, coats, hats, backpacks.
In close contact (within 6 feet of someone for 15mins total within a 24hr period) of a person who tested positive = 10 days at home
(If symptoms develop, 10 days at home replaces the 10 days at home)
Showing Symptoms = 10 days at home or a negative confirmatory test result and fever free for 24hrs
Tested Positive = 10 days at home and fever free for 24hrs
- Due to Covid-19, visitors must have a scheduled appointment to enter the building.
- Visitors are allowed when emergencies arise.
- IEP, 504 and other meetings of similar nature will be conducted via Zoom or phone call.
- Please put your child's first and last name on each mask.
- Please pack an extra mask (or two) in case it's needed for your child throughout the day.
face_coverings__9-24-2020__1_.pdf |
Q: Are face shields acceptable alternatives to mask?
A: No. The CDC does not recommend the use of face shields as a substitute for cloth face coverings. However, a face shield that covers the eyes, nose and mouth can be worn in addition to a cloth mask if desired. Moreover, a face shield may be worn by younger children who are not required to wear a cloth face mask.
Q: Can parents “opt-out” their child from the facial covering requirement, but still send them to school in-person?
A: No. The child may opt-out of the requirement only if they choose to enroll in a fully remote learning environment (such as the RCS Virtual Campus)
A: No. The CDC does not recommend the use of face shields as a substitute for cloth face coverings. However, a face shield that covers the eyes, nose and mouth can be worn in addition to a cloth mask if desired. Moreover, a face shield may be worn by younger children who are not required to wear a cloth face mask.
Q: Can parents “opt-out” their child from the facial covering requirement, but still send them to school in-person?
A: No. The child may opt-out of the requirement only if they choose to enroll in a fully remote learning environment (such as the RCS Virtual Campus)
- We are encouraging parents to utilize the parent drop-off loop if possible.
- If you feel the need to park and walk your child to their entrance, please wear a mask while escorting your child to the door.
- Parents will NOT be able to enter the building.
- Students must wear a mask.
- Students should observe social distancing.
- Staff will be welcoming students and direct them to their class.
- Parents must stay in their vehicles while utilizing the loop.
- We will have Long Meadow Staff around the entire building to help.
- Drop-off can begin at 8:45 am in the parent loop
- Enter through Allston Street to the loop (located in blue on the map) or parking lot (located in yellow on the map)
- Parent Loop (blue circle on the map)
- Long Meadow staff will be at both the loop to assist students.
- Students will need to exit the vehicle from the passenger side.
- Children will walk along the sidewalk to their grade level entrance area. Grade levels have a designated entrance to minimize congregating as they enter the school.
- Older sibling can walk their younger sibling to their entrance before heading back to their grade level entrance.
- Parent Drop-Off Area (yellow rectangle on the map)
- Park in the parking lot.
- Walk your student across the parking lot to the sidewalk of the school.
- Kindergarten will be entering at Door 7 (on the side of the building). Please feel free to park by door 7 and walk your child up to the door where the teacher will be.
- Continuing as we transition into full in-person learning Feb. 22nd
**There is a staggered dismissal to help with a socially distanced exit.
The first round of walkers, car loop, and parent pick-up begins at 3:52-4:00. Bussers get dismissed around 4:00-4:08. - Parent Loop (blue circle on the map)
- Enter through the Allston Dr entrance.
- Place a student pick-up sign in your window so it is easily seen by our staff (Student name, grade, and teacher)
- Your child will walk to your car and enter through the passenger side.
- Please pull ALL THE WAY up to the front of the line.
- Parent Pick-Up Area (yellow rectangle on the map)
- Children will be waiting outdoors by the main office.
- Kindergarten will be using the main entrance by the main office (door 1). A teacher will be outside the main entrance to make contact with a parent, and hand the child off to the parent.
- Office pick-ups will not be permitted during dismissal like previous years. Please meet your child/children outside in front of the building at the end of the day.
- Children will be waiting outdoors by the main office.
If your child will be riding the bus, they will follow these procedures:
- Students will use hand sanitizer upon entering the bus. Seating will be assigned. Please remind your child to follow instructions from the bus driver. Masks must be worn for the entire time on the bus.
- Kindergarten Parents, there must be a parent/adult to meet the child off the bus. If no one is there, the student will return on the bus to Long Meadow. At which time, the school call the parents.
- Parents can enter the vestibule in the front of the building.
- Wear a mask.
- Observe social distancing.
- Fill out the slip of paper and leave the item for your child on the table.
- Use the intercom to connect to the office to let them know an item is there.
- Staff will get it and deliver it to your child's class.
- If picking-up your child, call the main office attendance line ahead of time so we can have your child ready for you. (248-726-3900)
- Parents can enter the vestibule in the front of the building.
- Wear a mask.
- Observe social distancing.
- Fill out the sign-in or sign-out sheet.
- Use the intercom to connect to the office.
- Office staff will greet you with your child if picking-up and welcome your child if dropping off.
If your child arrives late to school (any time after 9:10 a.m.), please accompany him/her to the Long Meadow vestibule. Push the button to alert the office that you are here, and wait for instruction.
- If you need to take your child out of school early, please send an email to the office staff and teacher to let them know what time they are leaving.
- All students leaving school early should be signed out and dismissed through the office and NOT the classroom.
- Upon returning to school, please accompany him/her to the Long Meadow Lobby. Push the button to alert the office that you are here, and wait for instruction.
- The office will NOT permit parents to remove other children from school early unless there is expressed, written permission from the child’s parent.
- If dismissal plans change, email the teacher and office staff by 1:30 p.m. to notify us of the change.
- We MUST be notified by the parent/guardian of this otherwise we will put the student on the bus.
- Do NOT come into the building to pick up your child at dismissal.
- We suggest that you make a meeting place outside of the building. (flagpole, playground, etc.)
- Students will exit at the front of the building.
- Grade level dismissal will be staggered.
- You must have written permission from a child’s parent to sign another child out.
- It is the office policy to ask for identification for any form of pickup.
Absences: There are two ways to report absences
- In ParentVUE, click on the attendance tab found on the left side, then click on the “Report Absence” button, enter the date and reason for the absence then click on “Save” to submit the absence.
- Call the Long Meadow Attendance Line at 726-3210 to report the absence by 7:45 a.m. Please give the child’s name, teacher’s name, date and reason for the absence.
pvueabsencereporting.pdf |
ParentVUE Access / Setup
To connect to ParentVUE, visit the RCS website at www.rochester.k12.mi.us and click on the ParentVUE tab in the blue ribbon at the top of the page, or click here to connect directly: https://www.rochester.k12.mi.us/pages/141519/parentvue.
For questions about ParentVUE, please contact [email protected]. Include your information along with your child’s name and school.
For questions about ParentVUE, please contact [email protected]. Include your information along with your child’s name and school.
parentvue_activation_and_account_setup_process.pdf |
StudentVUE Access Directions
studentvue_access_instructions.pdf |
Forgot Student Login? Parents Can Access Their Child's Login Information
parentvue_studentlogin.pdf |